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Home Remedies for Dandruff and Itchy Scalp

Dandruff is an uncomfortable and embarrassing condition of dry, itchy scalp with shedding flakes from the build-up of dead skin. Dandruff can have many causes, such as sensitivity to hair care products, eczema or infrequent shampooing. Severe dandruff is usually caused by an excess of a naturally occurring fungus or yeast-like organism on the human […]

Eczema and Mental Health

Can You Relate? Have you felt like there is no end to the itching and pain of eczema? Have you lost sleep at night due to itching and discomfort? Have you felt alone, like no one understands the seriousness of your condition and how life-dominating it is? Have you ever felt incredibly frustrated/angry because a […]

Eczema and Mental Health: Caring for a Child with Eczema

One of the most difficult things I’ve ever gone through was caring for my son as a baby/toddler with severe eczema. I was trying everything I could to relieve the itchiness and pain, yet my son was suffering. I was sometimes at my whit’s end, not knowing what I could do to help my precious […]

Topical Steroids 101

By Rachel Oberlin Rachel Oberlin is a Registered Nurse and mom of two children who were healed from significant eczema through an integrative approach. Rachel is the author at EczemaMom.com, where she shares her family’s story, research-based articles, and helpful products.” Topical Steroids & Eczema: Helpful or Harmful? Topical steroids (corticosteroids) are the most commonly […]
