Emu Tracks鸸鹋油不含香料。我们的油中没有添加任何添加剂,化学药品或防腐剂。因此,鸸鹋油有非常清淡的气味,就像其他脂肪中的油一样。但是,涂抹后约15分钟,油脂会被皮肤完全吸收,没有残留或异味。 一些顾客实际上将几滴薰衣草精油添加到一瓶澳鹋油中, 以产生芬芳的气味。
为什么质地, 颜色和粘度与以前的不同?
鸸鹋油是天然产品。它是分批生产的, 根据鸸鹋鸟的不同, 质地, 颜色可能会随批次有所不同。质地可以从透明的油状到乳状,乳状到颗粒状。粘度也不同, 在较冷的气候下更是如此。像其他油一样, 如果天气足够冷, 澳鹋油的流动会缓慢甚至变硬。 所有这些都不影响油的功效。 Emu Tracks还确保在下单时会生产新鲜产品, 因此所有产品均在有效期内。
Emu Oil Can Applied Topically Or Taken Orally. Topically: Apply a small quantity to affected skin condition ONE drop covers the size of one’s palm Spread it out evenly Emu oil will be absorbed within 15mins and does not feel oily IF it feels oily after this time, you’ve probably applied too much Apply as often as needed, whenever it feels itchy. Emu Tracks Emu Oil contains no preservatives, chemicals & additives and Does Not Cause Any Side Effects. It is suitable to be applied around the eyes and on lips. Orally: Emu Tracks Emu Oil Capsules are 750mg per capsule. Emu Oil Take 3 capsules, 2-3 times per day depending on severity of skin, pain & arthritic condition Take 3 per day for general health & well being
Emu Tracks: Therapeutic Good
Emu Tracks Emu Oil capsules are listed with The Therapeutic Goods Administration (AUST L 114987) , Dept of Health of the Australian Govt. Emu Tracks is the standard oil for most emu oil research in Australian universities & hospitals.
100%适合!科学研究表明,Emu Tracks鸸鹋油已通过低敏感性和TGA认证,因此适用于所有皮肤类型,包括敏感性和婴儿皮肤。另外,Emu Tracks纯鸸鹋油是100%天然的,不含添加剂,防腐剂,色素,香料或石化产品。快到这些地点购买并试用!
Emu Tracks Emu Oil Capsules are 750mg per capsule. Depending on severity of skin or arthritic condition, Take 3 capsules, 2 to 3 times per day for above mentioned conditions of skin, pain & arthritis Or Take 3 per day for general health and well being.
幼儿可以服用鸸鹋油胶囊吗 ?
Emu Tracks Emu Oil is food grade oil. It is safe to be taken orally by children. However, if very young children have problems swallowing the Emu Oil Capsules, it is advisable to cut the capsule and mix the emu oil contents with their juices, drinks or food that they are eating or drinking. In fact, the grade of oil found in the bottles of Emu Tracks Emu Oil are of the same food and therapeutic grade as the capsules. Even though it can also be taken right off the bottle, care must be taken to ensure that the nozzle is clean and free from contaminants during daily use.
Emu Tracks鸸鹋油具有低敏感性,适用于人体任何患处的所有皮肤类型,无副作用。 鸸鹋油不含可能刺激敏感皮肤的防腐剂,添加剂,化学药品,香精或石油化学药品。应用于开放性伤口时不会刺痛。因此,当它意外进入眼睛时,应该不会感到痛苦。但是,万一进入眼睛不舒服时,请用大量清水冲洗,并在需要时咨询医生。
纽约普拉茨堡州立大学,第5卷(2011)77标题:“卡罗尔(Carroll)和克里斯托弗·马丁(Christopher T. Martine)对鸸鹋(Dromaius novaehollandiae)进行的生态和文化评论“治疗性质可能会因个体鸟类的饮食和生活方式而有很大差异。” “ Whitehouse(1998)的研究也提供了证据,证明在养殖鸟类中,来自澳大利亚养殖鸟类的油具有比在北美或欧洲养殖鸟类更好的治疗功效。鸸鹋油中有1-2%的成分尚未得到明确鉴定,但认为其中包含多种天然抗氧化剂和其他增强剂(Lindsay 2010)的混合物。澳大利亚鸟类是由原住民养殖的,这表明更自然,无压力的状态(由于对鸸鹋的独特认识,这在西方是不存在的)在油中产生了更具治疗性的成分(Lindsay,2010年)。鸸鹋原产于澳大利亚,因此,任何从澳大利亚以外鸟群中繁殖的尝试,无论规模如何,都将受到限制,并自然影响油的品质。
鸸鹋油直接用于开放性伤口,烧伤或割伤时不会刺痛或引起更多疼痛。 鸸鹋油可为受影响的部位提供缓解并使细胞快速再生。
Emu Tracks Emu Oil is food grade oil. It is therefore very safe when applied areas near the mouth, lips because it is even safe to be taken orally. It is suitable for all skin types includng infants, since it is Mild & Hypoallergenic.
Emu Tracks Emu Oil is food grade oil. It is therefore very safe when applied to areas near the mouth, lips because it is even safe to be taken orally. Emu Oil is a superior moisturiser suitable as a lip balm as well.
Emu mainly comes from the essential fatty acid composition of the oil of emu, which is native to Australia. These omega 3, 6, 7 and 9 are essential to health and well-being. Eating essential fatty acids can help treat skin problems, arthritis and gastrointestinal diseases. Emu oil is also rich in vitamins A, D, E, F and K2. The exclusive emu oil refining method can maximize the therapeutic activity in the oil. It is 100% natural and contains no preservatives, additives, colors, fragrances or petrochemical products.
Yes! Emu oil is an excellent moisturizer with fast penetration and anti-inflammatory properties, so it can quickly and effectively relieve the affected area. It does not contain preservatives, chemicals, additives, colors or fragrances, and is safe to eat. It has been tested in research institutions and hospitals in Australia and the United States and has no known side effects.
Research done in universities & hospitals proved scientifically that emu oil possesses anti-inflammatory qualities that helps reduce arthritis and pain. It is 100% natural with no added chemicals, additives and preservatives. It has no known side effects and does not interfere with other medications. How to use: Massage Emu Oil Balm into the affected area 3-4 times daily for better results. For chronic cases, supplement with oral consumption of Emu Tracks Emu Oil Capsules up to 3 capsules, 3 times per day.
Outlet Locations To Buy Emu Oil For Emu Tracks Emu Oil Products are conveniently located at ilovenatural.store/find-us